RestroMaster: Restaurant Management System

RestroMaster is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and optimize various aspects of restaurant operations.

Key Features

Why Choose RestroMaster

Easy Usage

User-friendly Design, Easy To Learn, Anyone can operate.

RestroMaster is designed in intuitive way, so that it's user find it very easy to Learn & Operate. Using it does not require any expert knowledge or experience of using any Software in past.

Touch-Screen Billing

No KeyBoard Required ! Carry and Use Anywhere.

RestroMaster's Billing Dashboard highly supports touch-Screen Type Devices, Thus , it can be used easily over Portable Devices such as Tablet and Mobiles. This enables elegant and portable billing station.

Fast Billing

Just Three Clicks to create & print Bill !

Preparing and printing new Bills is really Fast over RestroMaster. Several design specialties, such as local-buffering & Touch-based Billing, allows Billing in just 3 clicks and 3 seconds. Thus, making it suitable to be used over Rush-Hours where Quick Billing is very important.

Offline Mode

Billing contines even when No Internet. Offline Bills uploaded automatically to server when Internet is Available.

Although RestroMaster is an Online System, still primary features such as New -Order entry, KOT Management & Printing of Bills will continue , even when Internet connection is lost. Offline Bills are uploaded automatically to server when Internet is Available.

Bluetooth Printing

No wires required ! Print bills from anywhere.

No more criss-Cross of wires between printer and device. Your Android Based Devices can connect directly to printer, and print bills remotely. Thus free to keep Printer anywhere at suitable location or even can carry printer with yourself.

Thermal Printing

No ink Required ! Carry Printer Anywhere.

Compatible with different sizes of Thermal Printers. Thus frequent refilling of Ink or Toner, is not required. This also supports portable billing station , where Staff can carry Printer + Tablet, with them, and do the billing at Customers table, itself.

Paper Saving

Can Print Bills on 58 mm Paper-Rolls to Save Paper cost.

Another advantage of using Thermal Printer with RestroMaster is saving in Paper cost, as 58mm only paper is used which saves a lot of cost in comparison to using regular A4 size paper for each bill.

Electricity Saving

Can use on Tablet & Printer's battery. Electricity connection Not Required

If Restromaster is used over tablet and thermal printer, then lot of electricity and dependency over regular supply of electricity is saved, because both can run over their internal batteries. Thus Continuous supply of electricity or regular electricity connection is not required.

Universal Settings

Use Any Laptop, Phone, Screen, Browser, Printer, Connection. No Tension !

All types of settings can be easily configured at single dashboard and will saved as default settings, which don’t need to change very often. Multiple settings cover Dine-In, Take-Away or Home-Delivery Mode. Offline or Online. Windows or Android. Desktop, Laptop, Mobile or Tablet, Blutooth or USB Printing and many more options.

No Installation Required

Just login on any device & start using

Using RestroMaster, does not require type of installation or any specific type of hardware. Complete system can be operated from anywhere and it can be used on any device, any Printer, Any connection, and Any Operating system. Any Laptop or Desktop or Tablet or Mobile Phone can be used where any Operating system as Windows, IOS, Android can be pre-installed. To print bills, any Billing Printer( 80mm or 58mm) or Laser or InkJet or Thermal Printer Can be used. To connect printer to Device, any type of connection can be used such as USB cable, Bluetooth, Wireless, OTG Cable etc.

Parallel System

Use over Unlimited Devices by unlimited users at same time

Restromaster can be used simultaneously, over multiple devices, at multiple locations. Unlimited no of users can be created with different access rights to System. Owner can keep a live tracking of business from their home. Multiple billing stations can be used during rush hours. Data of each billing station keeps synching with each other , every few seconds. Thus , if a system is suddenly down due to some reason , during billing, then all intermediate bills under processing , can be processed over any other parallel system ,without any loss of data.

Cloud Hosting

Online System with Unique URL of restaurant

Each restaurant gets his own unique url, in its own name, for example , if restaurants name is 'ritz', then its website name may be ''. The Restromaster system powers this website from background. As data and System isrunnig live from Server directly, this gives several advanytages such, as a) Access Data From Anywhere, b) 24*7 Available data. check reports Anytime c) Fully Secured Data. No-Data Loss or Theft