Explore Modules

RestroMaster is arranged into modules. Select which fulfills your requirements !

Website & App

Your Restaurant's website is created and uploaded over a unique Domain Name (URL), which belongs to your restaurant only. New Features & templates in your CMS Based website are regularly added , without any efforts from your side. This website becomes face of your Restaurant in online world where restaurant can showcase its menu, facilities, offers etc. You can update your Website easily by yourself through special dashboard provided in Admin Account. You may change pictures, offers, contents, formatting or adding a new page or removing an existing section. Anyone , anytime can update or maintain their website without contacting RestroMaster Team and without any knowledge of Website Designing.

Billing Software

Restaurant Billing Software is a perfect solution to manages transactions & orders. It is very to easy to learn , and easier to operate . It prepares bill quickly , to save time , it is affordable, to save money , it is compatible with thermal printers, to save paper cost, & save Electricity . It Allows to use the system as portable- carry anywhere system, so that billing can now be taken to Customers' table. Billing staff need not shuffle between Dining-tables and Billing counters. As the software is cloud based, it allows to be used by multiple users, at multiple computers , at multiple locations, at same time. No installation is required and Data Is always available and safe.

Automated KOT Generation System

Billing counter can print latest KOT or All KOTs of a single order, as and when required and as many number of times required. RestroMaster's Automated Restaurant-KOT Generation system provides Instant KOT into to the Kitchen thus saves time, increases efficiency and reduces costs in the long run. Using Automated KOT system requires either using KOT printer or LED display Unit installed in Kitchen. The KOT Created at Billing desk is automatically printed in kitchen and also displayed over LED display. Kitchen staff needs a little training to use Automated Kitchen-KOT display and Processing System.

Kitchen, Delivery & Public Display System

Separate LED Display system can be installed in Kitchen , at Delivery Counter , in Outside area (where customer wait to pick their Take-Away orders ) and in inside area or in Dining hall (where customers sit eat their food). All these displays are synched together and form an intelligent Dislay system, which is highly useful for restaurant and attractive feature for customers. KOT from Billing station is insantly dispalyed over touch-based LED system in kitchen. Chef changes its status as 'preparing' or 'ready', through a single touch. Ready orders are displayed in public area to waiting customers. Delivery counter verfies the customer before delivery and marks the order as 'delivered' . Public display unit in Dining hall , keeps dining customers updated about status of Kots as per Table Number.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management System, is a powerful module designed specially for Restaurants. This enables you to track, manage, and analyze your stock levels, ensuring that you have the right products on hand at the right time, minimizing costs and maximizing profitability. You get complete overview of your Bills, Stock-ins, Stock-outs Current Stock, Items-Due-for-reordering, Purchase orders, Cost report, Consumption report, loose-stock etc

Recipe Audits

Save your own recipe of menu-items into system. Also, you can select and adopt recipe from RestroMaster's library of free-recipes by famous chefs. Based on this data, RestroMaster tracks ideal consumption and actual consumption of each items, based over data from Recipe-Library & Inventory System. Useful audit reports and graphs are generated such as comparitive chart of Ideal and Actual consumption of ingredients . High difference in these values , indicates possible wastage of ingredients, theft or deviation from standard recipe. Another imortant report is about 'actual food-cost' of each item, in real-time, considering daily changing prices of ingredients. These reports are prepared by processing bills in Inventory-system and Recipes in stored in this module.

Online Ordering

Your Restaurant has now an E-Commerce Website , where your customers may place Online orders. 'Ordering Engine' working behind your Restaurant's website, integrates your 'Billing-System with Online-Ordering Website. Your 'Menu' is now automatically available to you customers for selection and ordering. 'Online Payment-Gateway' is also integrated freely into your Website. This alows your customers to pay-online while ordering. Your restaurant may save commissions paid to third party websites . Availability of 'Tables' is also visibile to your customers and they can book a 'Table' in advance through your website.

Delivery Management

Delivery Management module provides a solution to streamline the process of managing Home-Deliveries for your from your restaurant to your customers. Your customers place orders for home delivery through your Restaurant's 'Customer's App' and website. Your Manager accepts or rejects the order through your restaurant's 'Admin-App' . All Accepted orders are assigned to Delivery boys, whose availability status and live-locatin is visible in Admin App. Delivery boys complete delivery through your restaurant's 'Delivery-Boys App', in which they can see live location of of their customer and complete the order through OTPs.